Are you recruiting? Post your job for free in just a few minutes. Attract applicants to come and work in Voluntary, Community and Social Enterprise Organisations in Greater Manchester by using the GM Recruitment Hub’s free listing service (conditions apply).
Ensuring Greater Manchester’s residents earn a wage that meets everyday needs, like the weekly shop or an unexpected dentist visit, is really important to us. That’s why we only advertise jobs on the Hub that pay the Living Wage or higher. Use our Real Living Wage Calculator to check if your vacancy pays a salary which meets the Living Wage.
Real Living Wage Calculator
Your Vacancy
Real Living Wage
Hourly Rate:
Weekly Amount:
Monthly Amount:
Yearly Amount:
Vacancy Wage
Hourly Rate:
Weekly Amount:
Monthly Amount:
Yearly Amount:
How it Works
Post a job vacancy
To post a job, create an account and complete the post a job form. Your job will be reviewed for approval, and you’ll be notified via email. Download the guidance document for tips. You can also request to advertise the job on GM Local Infrastructure Organisations websites if it meets their terms.p
Once the job post has been approved, it will appear on the GM Recruitment Hub and the websites of the GM local infrastructure organisations you selected, if it meets their terms. The first day your job is live on the GM Recruitment Hub, it will appear towards the top of the relevant search results. As time goes on, your job will fall back in search results. Jobs will be removed from the websites the day after the closing date. If you wish, you can make changes to your job posting, including an extension to the deadline, anytime before the closing date by logging into your account.a
People search for jobs on the GM Recruitment Hub
Job seekers will be able to enter key words to search for a job and will be able to filter results to refine the list of jobs that appear. Remember to include relevant key words in your job description that job seekers use. This will increase the likelihood of jobs appearing in searches.
Job seekers click the link to apply
If someone is interested in applying for your job vacancy, they will be able to click the link you provided in the form. This will divert applicants directly to the website where they can apply. If you can’t receive applications online, you can provide a job pack instead which applicants can download and follow the relevant steps to apply.