Leading through Change

As leaders in the VCSE sector our roles often involve navigating and managing change and leading people through change. Having access to tools to support us with change management can be useful. Here we share some useful tools and approaches to change management and leading through change.

Change Management

This article from the World of Work Project CIC explains a common model for understanding and navigating change called the Change Curve. The model explores how people react to change and the stages that we pass through as we adjust to change.

A short video from Mindtools, which provides a short explanation of Kotter’s 8 Step Change Model.

This TED Talk from Taylor Harrell explores how we can lead through change when we are asking people to let go of something within our organisations and workplaces. She talks in detail about the common barriers that leaders face in creating change.

Tools and Resources to Support with Managing Change

This useful and practical toolkit from NCVO provides practical guidance to help your VCSE organisation manage and implement change.

This factsheet from CIPD shares useful information about managing organisational change including:

  • Why organisations need to change
  • Why managing change is important
  • Factors to consider in the change management process
  • Making change management more effective

In this short TEDX Talk, Rosabeth Moss Kanter from Harvard Business School shares six attributes of leadership that support us in leading positive change.

Content last reviewed on 23 April 2024