Leading in Greater Manchester
The GM VCSE Leadership Group are a coalition of leaders working to promote the role and involvement of the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester.
The Group’s members come from a diverse range of VCSE organisations and networks. The Group also works to facilitate the recruitment of individual VCSE leaders and experts to act as representatives for our sector at Greater Manchester boards and forums.
The Leadership Group website offers useful information for people working and leading in the VCSE sector in Greater Manchester, including sector briefings, consultation opportunities and events.
The Group’s current work areas include:
- Population Health
- GM Mental Health Strategy
- Homelessness
- GM Equality Alliance
- GM VCSE Accord
- Alternative Provider Collaborative
- Inclusive Economy
- Commissioning and Investment
- Locality Investment
- VCSE Representation
- Involvement and Influencing
- VCSE Workforce
Keep informed
Stay up to date with GM VCSE Leadership Group developments in the sector in Greater Manchester.
Local Infrastructure Organisations
Local Infrastructure Organisations (LIOs) support the third sector (voluntary, community, social enterprises, faith groups – VCSE) in their localities. LIOs facilitate a range of forums and networks for the VCSE sector, including networks for leaders.